San Francisco, USA Created with AI by Carrie Bugener
APEC: trAIns and AI
An immersive installation at NTT Experience Center in San Francisco for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit: featuring artwork by Carrie Burgener and soundscapes by Jason Reinier. Hop on a virtual AI train ride to the countries of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation at the NTT Center in SF, CA. We created an immersive AI journey inside the 360 immersive theater for the APEC meetings on Nov 14, 2023.
sonostalgia (n.): sonic longing
There are so many different kinds of sounds we long for—the joy is in remembering the longing, the sensation of remembering the joy…the sorrow, the depth, the resonance, whatever it is that happens when we first heard and felt that vibration. There is a special way that a sound can trigger a specific physical, mental, emotional state—that’s what we long for.
That sensation is Sonostalgia.
Dimensional Experience Design
Earprint Immersive uses state-of-the-art technology and design to create immersive audio and visual experiences for museums and corporate clients all over the world.