Earprint is working with a variety of museums and institutions to develop a series of interactive mobile apps that will allow visitors to take on the role of conservator, examining images from a variety of perspectives and immersing themselves in the work of art using state-of-the-art interactive technology.

Read below to learn about Earprint's app development with the Cleveland Museum of Art.


Portrait of a woman

This Earprint interactive app for the Cleveland Museum of Art puts conservator’s tools - high resolution photographs and scientific imaging - into the hands of visitors. Users can explore Portrait of a Woman using different kinds of light – UV, IR and raking – to understand how conservators separate past restoration work from original paint.  This kind of research is used to study and even authenticate works of art – in this case, establishing the painter as Rembrandt.


Powerful photographic tools allow conservators to see below the surface of the painting.

To learn more about the Cleveland Art Museum's conservation process, read their blog posts about the Portrait of a Woman or watch the video below:

Conserving a Rembrandt: Part I

Conserving a Rembrandt: Part 2

See a demo of the finalized Earprint app below: